
Coast Guard in the Community

Beyond their vital role in protecting lives and preserving the marine environment, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) actively engages with communities across the nation’s waterfronts. The Coast Guard’s presence extends beyond search and rescue missions...

Coast Guard’s Female Pioneers

Throughout its storied history, the United States Coast Guard has seen significant transformations, and among its many milestones, the rise of women in its ranks stands as a shining testament to progress and gender equality. Breaking barriers and overcoming...

Coast Guard’s Role in Environmental Protection

As the guardians of the seas, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) not only safeguard lives and enforce maritime laws but also play a crucial role in protecting our precious marine environment. With a commitment to environmental stewardship, the Coast Guard is at the...

Day in the Life of a Coast Guard Swimmer

In the realm of maritime rescue operations, few roles are as demanding and vital as that of a Coast Guard rescue swimmer. These brave and highly skilled individuals are trained to plunge into treacherous waters, battling turbulent conditions and risking their lives to...

The History of the United States Coast Guard

Since its inception over two centuries ago, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) has served as a vital component of the nation’s maritime security and safety. As the oldest continuous seagoing service in the United States, the Coast Guard’s history is rich...