
In the realm of maritime security and law enforcement, collaboration and innovation have often been the driving forces behind successful operations. A pivotal moment in this history unfolded in 1982 when Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger approved the integration of Coast Guard law enforcement detachments with Navy vessels during peace-time. This groundbreaking decision marked the first instance of Coast Guard personnel conducting law enforcement boardings from Navy vessels. This blog explores the significance of this collaboration, highlighting the birth of the Coast Guard Tactical Law Enforcement Teams (TACLETs) and their deployment aboard the USS Sampson.

A New Frontier in Maritime Law Enforcement

The early 1980s saw a changing landscape in maritime security, where cooperation between different branches of the armed forces became essential. The approval of Coast Guard law enforcement detachments on Navy vessels during peace-time signaled a new era of joint operations, with each branch contributing its unique strengths to enhance maritime security.

Coast Guard Tactical Law Enforcement Teams (TACLETs) Take Form

The integration of Coast Guard personnel onto Navy vessels for law enforcement purposes laid the foundation for the creation of the Coast Guard Tactical Law Enforcement Teams (TACLETs). These specialized teams brought together the Coast Guard’s expertise in maritime law enforcement with the Navy’s expansive maritime capabilities. The result was a powerful synergy that could effectively address a wide range of security and enforcement challenges.

USS Sampson and the Maiden Voyage

On August 11, 1982, history was made as the first Coast Guard TACLET was assigned to the USS Sampson. This marked the beginning of a collaborative effort that would transform how maritime security and law enforcement were conducted. The USS Sampson became the platform for Coast Guard personnel to carry out law enforcement boardings, demonstrating the effectiveness of this joint approach to maritime operations.

Synergy and Success: The Impact of Collaboration

The integration of Coast Guard law enforcement detachments with Navy vessels ushered in an era of increased efficiency and effectiveness in maritime law enforcement. The collaboration brought together the expertise of both branches, enabling more comprehensive and coordinated responses to various scenarios, from drug interdiction to search and rescue missions. This partnership maximized resources, minimized duplication of efforts, and ultimately ensured the safety and security of maritime environments.

A Legacy of Joint Excellence

The decision to integrate Coast Guard law enforcement detachments with Navy vessels was a watershed moment that showcased the power of collaboration in the realm of maritime security. This initiative paved the way for subsequent joint operations, reinforcing the importance of synergy and unity in addressing complex security challenges. The success of this endeavor inspired future generations to embrace innovative approaches to security that transcend traditional boundaries.


The approval of Coast Guard law enforcement detachments on Navy vessels during peace-time marked a defining moment in maritime law enforcement history. This collaboration between two branches of the armed forces demonstrated the effectiveness of a joint approach to security, resulting in enhanced efficiency and comprehensive responses to maritime challenges. The integration of TACLETs with Navy vessels not only exemplified the power of partnership but also set a precedent for future joint operations that would continue to shape the landscape of maritime security for years to come.