Wishing a Happy Birthday to the United States Coast Guard!
August 4, 1790 is the official Birthday of the United States Coast Guard when the first congress of America authorized by Alexander Hamilton. Funny how he sold us out on the central banks, figured they would own everything eventually might as well protect it until the time to recapture. They constructed 10 vessels, called ‘revenue cutters’. Kind of says it all don’t it. These were originally constructed to save money and not save lives. Considering Hamilton’s pedigree preventing smuggling and enforcing tariffs was more lucrative.

Revenue Cutter Service School Picture
Alexander Hamilton is regarded as the “Father of the Coast Guard” and for the next 8 years was the only armed maritime force since the official United State Navy had not been established until 1798 follow up from the Continental Congress’ act in 1775 identifying the department of the Navy. Technically the USCG was the first branch established after the formation of the United Sates of America.
The United States Coast Guard began to stem the thievery of products being shipped into the country along with making sure imports were being accounted for and taxed. Prior to the Federal Banking takeover of 1933 the US States didn’t pay any federal taxes. All revenue was generated from tariffs and fines regulated by the Treasury department along with the active arm of the USCG.
Ironically the USCG acted in this manner for the next century until 1915 still being called the Revenue Cutter Service were combined with the US Lifesaving Service and their slogan ‘You Have to Go Out, But You Don’t Have To Come Back’ and rechristened it the Coast Guard. Later after the Federal Banking takeover it wasn’t necessary to collect tariff revenue since the peoples of the country were now being taxed instead, needed to begin saving the tax paying citizens to keep the revenue flowing. Also Franklin Roosevelt, a elite globalist royal, wanted to make sure the flow of commerce was maintained adding the Lighthouse Service to the Coast Guards responsibility in 1939, a few years after the banking cue.
In those days the USCG protected the flow of commerce and the US benefitted from 90% of its budget from customs and duties on imports. Granted during the early years of the nation it was more important to keep the money flowing than to police the tax payers. Considering the time it would be a very difficult task to obtain revenue by local means. Maintaining international commerce was the life line to the growing capitalist nation.
Finally after World War 2, Congress added the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation to the responsibilities of the United States Coast Guard. Since then it has been performing its duties and responsibilities with impeccable execution and professionalism. Coasties perform their duties everyday unlike most of the other military branches that train and practice most of the time.

US Coast Guard Flood Rescue
When observing or celebrating the Birthday for the United States Coast Guard remember they make sure the bills get paid, save the lives of those in need from floods, hurricanes and any other natural disaster, including marine accidents out at sea or simply finding a lost hiker in the woods. Anytime you have a marine radio or CB dial to channel 16 and hail the US Coast Guard that will be there anytime, anywhere and anyhow.

Rescue swimmers and aircrewmen from Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod, Mass., conduct hoist training evolutions June 23, 2015. The MH-60 Jayhawk Helicopter pilots steadied the aircraft while the flight mechanics lowered and recovered the rescue swimmers to simulate recovering people in distress. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Ross Ruddell)