Inspired by the for television show on History Channel, Vikings, a coin illustrating the gods of the north found in this Aegir Viking Norse God Ancient Coin. At 2 inches in diameter with a ancient look of the Old World, this two tone silver and gold color accented piece makes a stunning part of your coin collection. The Aegir Viking Norse God Ancient Coin stands apart with its unique look and highly detailed artwork. This ancient coin will make an excellent addition to your challenge coin collection.
Bornreadyapparel.Com is a proud supporter of the men and women of the United States Coast Guard. Our company and its sole purpose is to produce and design unique USCG gift items with original artwork not found anywhere else and offer amazing art, quality printing and some of the most unique US Coast Guard challenge coins in the industry. As a proud supporter of the United States Coast Guard we are also licensed by their offices and our designs are approved by them. As a result a percentage of each sale is mailed to their offices quarterly in support of their morale, welfare and recreational activities they administer.
Because we design everything from scratch in house we also receive requests from USCG commands all over the US and produce custom shirts and challenge coins as well. If you are interested in receiving information and would like to receive a quote please contact us at
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